City Bikes IRONMAN® 70.3 Miami

The City Bikes IRONMAN® 70.3 Miami is honored to continue supporting the Blazeman Foundation for ALS. Through this partnership, athletes who are participating in the race have the opportunity to make a contribution to the foundation when registering for the event and support the fight against ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis). The Blazeman Foundation will also be featured at the event EXPO so not only athletes but everyone attending has a chance to know more about the War on ALS.

Brandeis University Research Update

The Rodal lab submitted their first paper describing the Blazeman-funded work a few months ago (to the Journal of Neuroscience), and the peer reviewers were very positive about it. The reviewers asked the lab to do a few more experiments before it can be accepted, and they’re working very hard on completing those. In the meantime, they are also working very hard on a second paper that incorporates work from mammalian neurons. Drs. Deshpande and Rodal were also invited to write a review article summarizing the current status of the field, and how studying transport in neurons has led to increased understanding of neurological disease.

Research Update from the Rodal Lab (Brandeis University)

Significant progress has been made this year in deciphering where receptors have been shifted in the ALS model flies, and why. While we had previously discovered that growth signaling receptors were lost from an early endosome in the ALS model flies, we did not yet know to where they had been diverted. This year, we discovered that the receptors had been shifted to a recycling endosome compartment (which is responsible for sending receptors back to the cell
surface). Update on Brandeis project, including next steps.

Wake Forest Finding Success with the Hsp70 project

Researchers at Wake Forest have found a new treatment that may delay the onset of symptoms and increase the lifespan for those who are afflicted with ALS. The study was conducted in the mutant SOD1 mouse model of ALS and <a href=”/uploaded/Research WFU/Hsp70 project continue request Sept 2015.pdf”>plan to continue</a> to modify purification protocols, dosage studies in mice, and seek independent confirmation of effect. These studies will provide essential pre-clinical results so they can apply to move forward to patient studies (apply for an IND with the USFDA).